Blue Australorp
Hi everyone and welcome to our page. We have just made the switch from Black Australorp to Blue Australorps. For this reason, we are lacking egg supply at the moment. We will be up and running again very soon! In the meantime, please reach out to us at should you have any questions.
Blue Australorps were developed in Australia with an emphasis on egg production. Blue Australorp chicks are primarily blue with white wing tips, chest and abdomen. They have single combs and clean, white and black legs and feet. Adults have blue plumage.
Damara Lamb
The Damara sheep is a breed of domestic sheep from Namibia. It was actually from the Eastern Asia and Egypt, but it has moved down to the present day Namibia and Angola. It was in an isolated region of Namibia for many years and thus remained free of influence from other sheep breeds.
Today the breed is mainly found in the north western Namibia (Kaokoland) and southern Angola. In those areas, they were herded relatively free from external influences by the local inhabitants. The name of the Damara sheep breed was derived from the specific region where these animals were originally encountered, and the name of the region was Ddmaralnd previously. It is a very old breed and originated as long ago as 3000 BC. The breed was seen by the German explorers in the northern region of Namibia in 1904, and it was then called Gross Damaland.
The Damara sheep are large animals with relatively long appearance. It is relatively a large breed in terms of shoulder height. They have long, oval and fairly deep body. The top-line over the head is arched. It drops down in the neck, rising to the withers from where it declines slightly to rise again over well-developed loins.
Legs of the Damara sheep are long and dry, but strong and well-placed. Their hooves are small and well-shaped. They are fat-tailed sheep, and grow short coarse hair.
They are very hardy and strong animals. They can survive in a harsh environment and under poor nutritional conditions. They are exceptionally vigorous, and actually can remain productive where grazing and water is fairly restricted. This feature makes the breed very suitable for the communal areas of Namibia where extreme conditions are usually the norm rather than the exception.
The Damara sheep has a fairly high resistance to most sheep diseases. And they have also good tolerance against internal parasites. The ewes are excellent mothers and they can produce enough milk, even for raising twin lambs.
*Special thanks to Roys Farm for sharing their info. All their links provided for your information.